And, critics said, like SopA, there was no due process of law built into the pact. 批评者还指责说,像SOPA一样,ACTA并没有将正当法律程序写入协定中。
Due process, transparency and the methodology for determining remedies and fines all need improvement. 正当程序、透明度,以及赔偿和罚款的裁定方法,这些都需要改善。
'He will receive full due process and protections,' said White House spokesman Jay Carney. 白宫发言人卡尼(JayCarney)说,他将依法获得充分的正当程序和保护。
Therefore, the penalty authority procedure should be actionable and be reconstructed under the principle of due process. 因此,需要对死刑复核程序进行诉讼化和程序正当性构建。
Yet it is clear that due process does not guarantee a right to legal representation in every administrative proceeding. 但正当程序并不保证在每一桩行政诉讼中都给予法律代理的权利,这一点也是明白无误的。
Any code, system is to pressing due process to draft, approval, just carry out. 任何法规、制度都是按着一定程序拟订、批准,才实施的。
Defect and Improvement of Due Process of Law for Agricultural Land Acquisition 农地征收正当法律程序的缺陷和完善
Another challenge has been to define the due process interests of prisoners. 另一个挑战是界定囚犯的正当程序利益。
Yet it concluded that this loss was only "an indirect and incidental result of the government's enforcement action," and thus did not implicate their due process rights. 但最后的结论是,这一损害只是“政府强制执行行动的一个间接和附带的后果”,因此并未影响病人的正当程序权。
He warns that the United States could go further as it ignores civil rights and due process. 他警告称,美国正在忽视公民权利和法律程序的路上越行越远。
The concept of due process is rooted in English common law. 正当程序概念来源于英国的普通法。
It took some time for the courts to work out the relationship between those procedures and the dictates of due process. 最高法院用了不少时间才确定出在那些程序和正当手续命令之间的关系。
Its theoretical basis is the human dignity and due process of law. 这一制度的理论基础是人性尊严和正当法律程序。
It's important for protecting teachers'lawful right to put the due process into the teachers'appealing system in university. 在高校教师申诉制度中引入正当程序对维护教师合法权益具有重要意义。
Due process has also been under pressure in the West since the terrorist attacks of September 2001. 自2001年9月的恐怖袭击事件以来,上述法定审查程序在西方也开始面临压力。
Listen to strengthen the process of memory, by listening to the content of Lenovo, and have heard the contents of due process, the overall and details can not be Pianfei. 听的过程中要强化记忆,对所听的内容进行联想,并对所听到的内容进行适当的加工,对整体和细节不可偏废。
However, to substantiate a case of scientific misconduct, a legitimate due process of investigation must be followed. 与此同时,要确证学术不端的案例,我们必须遵循合法和适当的调查程序。
Economic logic and due process have been utterly disregarded throughout this case. 在这件事上,经济逻辑和规定程序彻底遭到蔑视。
The exact contents of the notice required by due process will, of course, vary with the circumstances. 正当程序要求的通知的确切内容当然要随具体情况而异。
The trial was conducted with due process of law. 审判是按照该当的法律程序进行的。
As a result, a substantial measure of subjectivity and inconsistency will probably remain part of our procedural due process doctrines. 结果,大量衡量主观性和不一致性的工作大约仍是我们的程序性正当程序理论的一部分。
The Court emphasized that substance and procedure are distinct in due process analysis. 法院强调,在正当程序分析里,实体和程序截然不同。
The reform was also distinctive in its emphasis on civil rights and due process rights of persons with disabilities. 改革也是有特色的在伤残人士的市民权利和正当法律程序权利方面的它强调中。
The practice of punishing people by hanging without due process of law. 吊起来惩罚人的行为而没有法律的程序。
The judiciary was not independent, and the lack of due process remained a serious problem. 司法系统并不独立并且不执行法定诉讼程序仍是一个严重的问题。
Second, a person is entitled to due process only if the challenged order is directed at her; 其次,只有当受到质疑的命令是针对当事人本人时,该当事人才有权享有正当程序;
They claimed their land had been requisitioned for a hydropower project without due process and without proper compensation. 这些村民称,他们的土地被一个水电站项目违规征用,且没有适当的赔偿。
( law) the determination of a person's innocence or guilt by due process of law. (法律)通过法律的正当的程序决定人的清白或者有罪。
The application of procedural due process to informal administrative action is treated in Chapter 6. 程序性正当程序对于非正式行政行动的运用将在第六章予以阐述。
Professor Mashaw identifies two other theories of due process that have historically been used in constitutional adjudication. 马肖教授甑别了另两种历史上在宪法裁断中所利用的正当程序理论。